Monday, November 15, 2010

Answers - again

Ok, time for some more answers to your questions:

1. When you first started singing was it easy for you? Were the lessons hard at first? Was it hard to reach the notes you wanted or did it all come easily and natural? (this counts as one question ;)
- I started singing at a very early age so I never took any lessons then. I just stood and sang to different vocalists before my parents and grand mother and had concerts for them. My first singing on a stage was when I was around 10 years old and sang with my mums band. Then after that I was on stage in talent shows and I always chose songs that would fit me so I cant remember any difficulties with higher notes. My first vocal lesson was at the age of 17 and I always thought it was hard to understand the whole breathing support thing. To understand what "support" was and how to feel that I did it right.

2. You've mentioned before that you don't like to repeat outfits on stage, but if you really like the outfit don't you want to wear it again? I don't think there's anything wrong with repeating outfits and I'm sure no one will mind =)
- This is something that actually came from Ewo, the manager of NW from the start. We both said it would be cool if I always had different outfits and that was one of the reasons for that. The other reason is that I like changes and fashion. So of course I can use the same outfits if I like them but in DPP it was kinda my thing to change every gig. For the next tour I wont do it that way and will use same outfits several times.

Ok, here is the question I fear to ask, please don't take it the wrong way I'm just really curious. First of all I know you have every right not to talk about certain things or show us pictures of your kids but here is my question; We all saw Seth when he stood with you and the boys on stage, and we all have seen Jukka's kids
and Marco's too, why is it that you fear to show your kids?

- This is something I have decided from the beginning since I feel that my children doesnt have anything to do with my job as a singer in NW and they should be able to choose and understand what it means to be in the public eye before I put them there. It´s also mainly a protection against the mean comments and mean people I have seen are out there. There are many good ones but also many many bad ones.
The reason I now put out their names open is because the interview I have done that will come out in january here in Sweden, where the journalist named them and therefore it will be out soon enough anyway. But photos of them is something I am not gonna do more than like I have done, hidden faces etc.

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