Monday, December 6, 2010

Pie recipes

So, the advent buns I did today was the first time and some healthier recipe but unfortunately I didnt succeed perfectly with them, so I need to try again. What I did wrong was that I had a little bit to warm fluid for the yeast and that made them flat and not as big and fluffy as they should;=( But that´s how baking is: sometimes it works out and other times not;=)

But I did do two pies for our dinner and I can share my recipes for those instead.

For both pies I did a pie shell that is healthier by using spelt instead of white flour.

So, for both pies I did a pie shell like this:
1,5 dl spelt
1,5 dl whole wheat
0,5 teaspoon salt
0,75 dl olive oil
0,5 dl water

First mix the spelt, whole wheat and salt together, then add the oil and the water and work together. Put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes then put it in your pie form and pre-bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 10 minutes.

Broccoli and ham filling:
Boil the broccoli in salted water until it´s soft
cut ham in smaller pieces
Take 4-5 eggs and appr. 2 dl of cream and whip together
Put the broccoli and ham in the pie shell and then the egg-paste over it all. Top it with grated cheese and add some herbs if you want. I used basil and oregano. Put the pie in the oven at 225 degrees for 10-15 minutes or when it´s still and have a nice colour.

Taco pie filling;
Fry minced meat in butter in a frying pan. Add some taco spice and water. I used one that we buy in the store from Santa Maria. Chop jalopenos into small pieces and put in to the taco meat. Put it all into the pie shell and top with light creme fraiche and grated cheese before putting it into the ove at 225 degrees for 10-15 min.

Serve with a nice salad and enjoy! Yummie!

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