Friday, February 25, 2011

Lovely friday

Today I have had a really wonderful friday;=) First woke up and read a really nice email that made me happy, then went and did some errands before my dear mum came and visited. We ate some really nice beef salad, played with Nemo and then I followed her to the bus.

Took a walk in the really windy and cold weather and my feet were so cold when we came in but it still was nice to get some air. It´s gonna be warmer now and everything above 0 degrees is great!

Talked for a long time with my dear sister and we always have deep and nice talks. I wish I could go there tomorrow cause they are having a big b-day party but since we are gonna go to Finland soon we´ll stay at home and visit them on our way home from Finland instead. That´s how it is when the loved ones live far away.

Now some exercising and then TV. Let´s see if I can do some more fun blogging tomorrow with some photos, I feel I have been bad at that this week but it´s been a really quiet and "normal" week without so many new things happening. But soon Finland and then I´ll write and take photos for you the whole 2 weeks in the studio;=) It´ll be great and I long to go there!

Sleep well and enjoy this wonderful friday!

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