Saturday, January 29, 2011


Some of you ask me about my exercising methods and food etc and since 2 weeks I am following a programme I used to transform my body after giving birth to Seth. It gave me a lean and strong body and it was that body I had entering Nightwish. Now I have started this programme again- Body for Life - and even if it takes some time and hard work and discipline with the food, it suits me perfect. This time, though, I dont use the same weights as then and mainly use kettlebell and my own body, but if I dont see good results in some weeks I will switch back to regular weights again. Its all about trying out what works=)

Since I still am breastfeeding the body wont transform as fast but it doesnt matter, cause what took 9 to 10 months to "destroy" sure takes the same time to get back again. And its Nemo who decides when he wants to stop breastfeeding, not me, so I just try and relax and not stress to much over not getting in all those clothes I had before.

I just finished my intervall running on the tread mill and it felt really good today. That´s also something I have learned - some days it feels so hard to run and other ones so easy. Those less good days I still push myself and do it with stubborness and a big ounce of motivation. Motivation is so important going in to something like this;=)

If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask and I´ll try to answer them! And if anyone living in the US know how to get me some Myoplex Lite products to Sweden, let me know cause they are not sold here;=(

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