Sunday, October 31, 2010


So, today on my walk I shot 2 videos for you cause the sky was so beautiful today. It was really warm, around 13 degrees and grey but the sun tried to shine through the grey and fog and I found it so special that I needed to video shoot. The second video were of a small motor boat which kinda reminded me of "The Islander".

Winter time

Good morning!

Tonight we changed our watches to winter time, which means we turned the clock back one hour and got one more hour of sleep. But Nemo still wanted to wake the exact same time so for me, it didnt change so much;=)

I didnt find any nice toy yesterday so I got him a really nice body instead. I thought it was so adorable and looked like if he was gonna attend some big party;=)

I dont feel I have the time to fix my hair so much now so to make it easier, I do a braid before going to sleep and then when I wake up I just add a shine serum and shakes it. Ready!

Now, coffee! Enjoy your sunday!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

3 months

Today Nemo is 3 months old! Oh, time really flies fast;=) He is getting stronger for every day and I really enjoy watching him grow and start to really be an "individual".

I´ll go and get him something nice to play with for his 3 months day today. He has started to hold on to things and bite them. He also likes to watch Playhouse disney, so either I´ll find a toy to bite or something to watch. I´ll show you afterwards.

I saw a TV show yesterday evening where there were an amazing group from down under, "Axis of awesome". They have found out how to make a hit song. It only contains 4 chords and many many hit songs have exactly those chords. So, to make a hit - just use those chords;=)

Friday, October 29, 2010


So, for those of you who want to win some nice NW-prices, go in and check out
the official Tuomas Holopainen site "The Escapist", where there´s a great competition for you at the moment;=)

Click the banner to go there and GOOD LUCK everyone;=)

Idols and cosy friday;=)

Hi all and sorry for the delay, but you know how time flies when having a little one to take care of;=)

The x-ray went so well, I didnt have to go inside the whole tunnel, only lying on my belly and then they had this tunnel where they took me in so that I was inside up to the chest only. Since they scanned the kidneys and the urine trait areas that was all that was necessary. When they put in the IV with the contrast fluid it felt kinda weird, I got really warm and a strange taste in my mouth but otherwise just fine.

Some of you have asked why I do this examination and it´s due to the kidney problems I have and have had for many years which also have escalated the last years when I started to travel and tour. They have found some things already but they still need to check more to get to the bottom of why I get ill so often. So I do hope I soon can find out and get better for the next tour so I dont have these things then;=)

Now, sleep well and thanks so much for your caring comments!;=)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On my way... the x-ray and I actually don´t like the thing they are gonna do today. I am doing the scan where I need to go inside a tunnel and even if I am not that claustrofobic, I dont like the idea of lying there. But I´ll take my ipod with me and hope they let me use it.

And hey, it´s FRIDAY today;=) Let´s get some music going now!

Dark hair

Ok, we decided to do everything dark brown and keep the purple/blue stripe on the right side. And for those who have asked - Yes, I am growing it out to be long;=)

Here are the result:

Hair dresser

Good morning!!

And thanks for the outfits, I´ll check all of the links and get back on that;=)

I am up and on my way to the hair dresser to fix the upper hair darker. I´ll take some photos at the hair dresser for you and put here later on.

This night I had some really weird dreams again. Me and NW were gonna do our first show after this break now and for that we were two singers. One blond girl were gonna join us on stage and we were gonna sing a more "poppy" song, kinda like ABBA. But I didnt know the lyrics, nor did she...and the disaster were getting closer... I was so stressed out;=)
Luckily, only a dream;=)

See you later, enjoy your day!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Early days

Good morning all!

These days this week are filled with early errands so it´s just getting up, having coffee and breakfast, put on some mascara and run off to different things. This morning I had an appointment with my allergy doctor to check my astma. They do these breathing tests now and then to check me out and give me new medicines. Since I am breastfeeding I can´t take the same medicines so needed to get some new versions.

Bought some coffee with me home and now it´s soon time for some crosstraining. I do short exercises every day now to get in to it and then I continue with my long walks. I really like getting out even in the bad weathers and today it´s so grey and windy outside but with some warm clothes on, it works;=)

I got a great idea from a comment regarding my stage outfits which I really liked, so here we go:

Why don´t we have a little research in here about what´s been your all time favourite stage clothes I have been wearing from our DPP tour;=) Are you on?

Send me photos etc and tell me YOUR favourites!
(and then later on we do the WORST outfits;=)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cross trainer

Hi all!

And thanks so much for the comments about my hair colour. It seems most of you prefer the black;=) I will do the upper hair darker on thursday and then I´ll take a photo again.

Today we received our new cross trainer. Our tread mill isnt so good anymore so it was time for a new machine and after Seths birth a couple of years ago I got in great shape from the cross trainer. I have already started to exercise on it today and puh! it was hard. I need to take it easy cause all I have done the last year are long walks. But soon the heart will pump stronger again;=)

I found a great site today, schampoodles, with kids and adult clothes and I really do need to get some thing for Nemo here. Check it out!

Now I need to go to the hospital for some blood samples cause I have a kidney x-ray scheduled on friday.
Have a great monday!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dark hair

So, I know I said I wont go dark hair again...hmmm... well, I have changed my mind;=) I felt like I needed a change and now when my hair is a bit bad due to the breastfeeding it looks fresher in dark. So today I got it coloured but I need to go and make the upper hair a bit more black since it felt a bit to light. So I will take a proper photo when that is done, but for now an evening relaxed photo. The hair is black almost the whole hair and then a bit lighter in the upper hair to match my own hair. Then we added some effects on the right side in purple and blue;=)

Enjoy your evening!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sorry for my abscence but the whole weekend have been filled with Nemo;=)

A couple of days ago we were out walking and the sky was so amazing as we passed the ocean. We entered the forest and I shot a video for you and planned to do some more in the forest but after just a short while it started to rain and then hail!!! We had to go as fast as we could to the city again and we found a small, cosy coffee place where we dried up a bit before going home.
So I only have two videos for you from it but I will do some more videos ongoing;=)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Hi all!

Just putting in a song for you today;=) Corroded with Time and Again

Enjoy your evening and if you´re gonna party - cheers!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hi and thanks to you all for your weather reports;=) I can see that it´s very cold in most of Europe and Russia too, but South America very warm (jealous!;=)

Today it´s very stormy and windy day over here, so I dont know if there will be any walk for me today. But let´s see later in the afternoon.

I checked out this for Nemo yesterday since he needs to be warm in his pram. I really liked that I can take off the fleece and the fur, open it up by his feet for when he starts to sit and use shoes and also I can open the hood for him. Just need to see if I am gonna have a green, grey or orange one. Maybe you want to help me with the decision?

Our pram is this one and exact these colours. I like the green one but tell me what you think? The red one is not the exact colour, it´s more orange.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The crown princess

So, we didnt get any photos of the king or the princess yesterday, but since we live just next door to the church where they had a ceremony yesterday, me and Seth stood by our "gate" and when the bus with the royalties came, we were so lucky that the crown princess Victoria sat on our side and when she saw us, she waved;=) Seth got so excited and happy since she is the one he really likes. So, mission accomplished for us!

Today it´s colder here again and the winter are for sure around the corner. It was -3 degress this morning so when we take our daily walk soon I guess the warm jacket needs to be on and for Nemo, the winter suit. He has a nice blue one (see photo), like this and underneath him I have gotten a wool plaid in black that will make him feel warm.

How´s the weather where you live? Summer, winter or?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

King is coming

Today the whole royal family of Sweden and the queen of Denmark are coming to my city for a big celebration. I will try and go out and get a glimps of them of course and since Seth really like the crown princess Victoria I hope we get to see some of her.

If I get so close as to take photos, I promise to do so and put them here later tonight;=)

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Name facts;=)

Here in Sweden there are 3 women who has Nemo as their first name and 173 men with Nemo as their first name. I have heard the name 2 times since he was born on another person or child so it´s not very common but more common than I thought.

Seth is more common in America but still here in Sweden there are 849 men who has that name as their first name. So a bit more common than Nemo.

For those who want to know how I pronounce Seth and Nemo, it´s "Neemo" and "Sett".

My name is Anette and there are 19653 women who have that name in Sweden. My second name is Ingegerd, which 40299 women have as their second name. Believe me, I have always hated my second name! It´s a "family" name which my mum, sister and me have. In school when they asked about my second name I never told that it was Ingegerd. I said: Anette "I" or lied and said it was "Helena", because I loved the name Helena.

A name can be something we love and feel proud of but of course it can also be something we hate. But I do believe that every parent think really hard before naming their children and therefore we should carry that name with pride. So I guess Anette and Ingegerd is quite ok;=)

How do you feel about your names? Love them or hate them? Tell me;=)


Good morning!

Woke up to a grey and really rainy day. And all night I have dreamt about floods and things so I guess I have heard the rain through my sleep;=)

Since I have done a kinda "portrait" in a swedish magazine that will be published soon where I talk about my childhood and life and Nightwish etc and also name my newborn baby, I think it´s time to tell all of you about his name and how me and Johan came up to it;=)

Last christmas when we were in Thailand on holiday I were pregnant and one night we sat discussing what name he or she would get. If it would be a boy we first talked about Neo or Leo. We wanted a shorter name to match Seths name. I thought Khan was kinda cool, after Djingis Khan and Johan thought Ahab was cool, after Captain Ahab;=) Hehe!

But Neo, Leo, Ahab and Khan wasn´t perfect so we finally came up with one we both really liked;=) It came from me liking a movie with that name and Johan liking a book with a character who has that name and also it´s a name from the history of Nightwish. The movie is "Finding Nemo and the character and book is "Captain Nemo" from Jules Vernes "20 000 leagues under the sea".

So all together it felt like a perfect name for him - NEMO

And everywhere we go everyone who hears it says: Oh, what a beautiful name! And I must say it is.

I hope you all like our choice and that we have had it with us since he was just a couple of weeks old. I told Tuomas very early and he really liked it;=)

Hugs and enjoy your day;=)

Monday, October 18, 2010

More voice today;=)

Today I can speak a bit better but still not perfect. Have taken a little walk to the supermarket to get some food but other than that still resting.

Yesterday I ate chicken soup and that was really good for the throat. Yummie! Today it´ll be a variation of fish´n chips but a bit healthier with boiled potatoes instead of french fries and also boiled vegetables.

I hope I´ll be much better tomorrow cause I start to get really restless;=)

Enjoy your evening everyone!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

You´re so sweet;=)

Thanks to you all for your comments and cures. I still am ill but today I can push some words out but still really not good. Bad, bad headache, red and itchy eyes, itchy throat and almost no voice. So, I´ll try and get some sleep but hard with the headache.

I remember getting almost the same illness last autumn so I guess this is my kinda "autumn cold" I get.

I hope you all are healthy and happy! And big, big thanks to you all again!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Can´t speak

My illness is worse and yesterday evening I lost my voice. It´s about the worst thing that can happen to a singer and any person. Can´t even talk to my baby...I hate it!

Thanks for all your kind words, if you have any good super cures for this, let me know cause I am under the water today;=(

Hope you all have a really nice day though;=)

Jukkas drum recordings diary

So, the album recordings have started! Check out Jukkas diary from our Nightwish website here:


Ok, so it´s autumn again and as usual when the cold gets here, people also get colds...everywhere it´s coughing, sneezing and soar throats. And now I also have gotten it...;=(

But what to do than cuddle up before the fake-fire place, drink throat comfort tea and just relax. Can be nice too;=)

Since it´s friday and I want some great music let´s play one of my favourite songs all time. Play dead with Bjork!

(video borrowed from
Have a happy friday!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weather changes

Two days ago I took a long walk as usual but this day we had some great weather changes during my walk... it started with a cold and really foggy horizon and I had to have gloves, a scarf and a knit on cause I was so cold...

Then after an hour of walking the weather started to losen up and the sun slowly started to glow on me. I didnt have any sunglasses, just one of my regular glasses so the sun was a bit hard on the eyes.

along my walk I always pass the "expensive beach road" where some of my dream houses are lying... but to own one the buyer need to pull up appr. 1,7 million that will never happen;=)

Then I took the steap hill up and I was so sweaty now...the scarf, the gloves and the knit was off and now I only wore a about changes... went into the forest where the sun shined so beautifully between the trees..

Then after a long forest walk I came out on a high hill watching out over the ocean and found the sun shining over the city...

I love my city, Helsingborg. It has everything...ocean and forest at the same time. I wouldnt want to live in any other place but this!
Today I´ll take the walk again in the sun but those weather changes wont be there but surely the sun. Enjoy your day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funny games

Yesterday I saw a good, but really disturbing movie on TV. Funny games from 2007, which is a remake from 1997. This version has Naomi Watts and Tim Roth playing in it.

I really liked it but as with all these kinda movies I had a horrible stomach pain throughout and after watching it.

If you haven´s seen it, I can recommend it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sonic Syndicate

Today one of our former support bands, Sonic Syndicate, are here in Helsingborg playing a gig at The Tivoli and as last time Karin asked me to come and meet them. So me and the kids went there and met them and it was really nice to see them all again. Karin as usual so beautiful and sweet, she is a darling;=)

But with two kids its impossible for me to go listen to them this time so the night is spent in front of Swedish Idols.
Sleep well!


Yesterday was such a boring and rainy day here. We kept ourselves inside all day but in the evening I took my older son and the little one for a nice walk. It was so grey but still really nice outside. The playground was totally empty from kids and everything was wet so no playing for my son this day.

Took some photos for you;=)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby friendly

My little one has started to be very curious of the world and I can see that he wants to learn about things. My older son loved Teletubbies so I play this video for the little one every day:

And then I have found out about a site with really good videos for babies, He really likes these too;=)

You with babies or who knows other good ones, please send me the links. Thanks!

Iphone 4

I really am thinking of getting the new Iphone 4. Johan bought it and it really has an amazing camera, display etc. I have an Iphone 3 which is great and then I use my Nokia N97 and as you have seen the photos are great in that one too.

What I like about the new Iphone are the incredible display. It´s so crystal clear. And the video function are in HD quality and now with our baby I want to get great videos to save;=)

So, need to go check it out today and if I do get it, I´ll give you a review;=)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Love this song;=)

Ok, I am not normally such a big Eminem fan but this song together with Rihanna is really one of my favourite songs at the moment.


(video borrowed from

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fire place

Already last winter I wanted to buy a "fake" fire place but never did. This time I felt that I wanted to have a nice cosy warm spot for us and for our baby, where he can lie and watch the fire in the dark cold autumn and winter evenings. So we went and got one this friday and I love it. The black stand suits the room perfect;=)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today I took a long walk in the early evening and took these photos. I just love to live by the ocean. The sky is just always so amazing and tonight it was magic:=)

I also got a package from dearest Tuomas with the mixed demo and I have been listening all evening now;=) We´re on the way, everyone!

Since it was a long time since I published any photos of me and outfits, I took some today.

Sweater Marni, shorts from Topshop, stockings Noa Noa and boots ChloƩ.

Now it´s time to watch swedish Idols. Enjoy your friday!